Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Stupid Weather
The snow storm has not started yet, but it seems it is on the way. It seems like Spring just started with trees and some flowers blooming. Stupid snow is going to ruin it all! Ugh! I'm so done with Winter!
This past week brought sad news. Schaun's grandmother, Ma'am, passed away on Monday. We went to her funeral and burial service yesterday. It was a nice service on a gloomy, cold day. I didn't take the girls with us. Bridget went to school as usual. Since I get charged if Becca is at school while I'm not working, she went to Stacy's. It was a sad time. I realized that we do not have any grandparents living now. Very sad.
Kelsie is home from her California life for a couple weeks. She came over one night last week to watch a movie with the girls. They love their Aunt Kelsie! She is coming back over again this week and they are so excited!
Becca is almost all better now. She is talking normal. I have not let her eat anything too crunchy yet-- no crackers or chips. She is hungry all the time though, but it still hurts a tiny bit when she eats. She did loose a few pounds and is trying to get them back as fast as she can. The best part is that she actually sleeps normal. No tossing and turning. No more snoring! It is amazing.
Bridget seemed to have hit a rough spot in her life. She has been acting, uh, let's say, not bad, but just obnoxous, annoying. She lost all motivation for school--she is too busy acting silly and trying to be the class clown. I really cracked down on her. This is not behavior that I think comes natural to her, I think she is trying hard at it. So I kept on her all week and it seems to have helped. She got all her spelling words right yesterday. She came home so proud of herself. I have not seen that in a while and it was good. I think since she felt that again she might want to keep that feeling and get back to work.
Tomorrow I am going to see the Phantom of the Opera and I am sooooooo excited about it! I love the music, I love the movie, and I'm sure I'll love this too!
This past week brought sad news. Schaun's grandmother, Ma'am, passed away on Monday. We went to her funeral and burial service yesterday. It was a nice service on a gloomy, cold day. I didn't take the girls with us. Bridget went to school as usual. Since I get charged if Becca is at school while I'm not working, she went to Stacy's. It was a sad time. I realized that we do not have any grandparents living now. Very sad.
Kelsie is home from her California life for a couple weeks. She came over one night last week to watch a movie with the girls. They love their Aunt Kelsie! She is coming back over again this week and they are so excited!
Becca is almost all better now. She is talking normal. I have not let her eat anything too crunchy yet-- no crackers or chips. She is hungry all the time though, but it still hurts a tiny bit when she eats. She did loose a few pounds and is trying to get them back as fast as she can. The best part is that she actually sleeps normal. No tossing and turning. No more snoring! It is amazing.
Bridget seemed to have hit a rough spot in her life. She has been acting, uh, let's say, not bad, but just obnoxous, annoying. She lost all motivation for school--she is too busy acting silly and trying to be the class clown. I really cracked down on her. This is not behavior that I think comes natural to her, I think she is trying hard at it. So I kept on her all week and it seems to have helped. She got all her spelling words right yesterday. She came home so proud of herself. I have not seen that in a while and it was good. I think since she felt that again she might want to keep that feeling and get back to work.
Tomorrow I am going to see the Phantom of the Opera and I am sooooooo excited about it! I love the music, I love the movie, and I'm sure I'll love this too!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Much, much better
24 hours makes a huge difference! Becca slept almost all night, woke up happy, and wanted pudding for breakfast. Of course, then she started to complain about pain but refused for a couple hours to take the tylenol. So frustrating and annoying, but she finally did. She wanted to get dressed, then we went outside and she colored with chalk and hung out with the neighbors. Now she is trying to eat some noodles. Ahhhhhhh, what a relief!
Monday, March 16, 2009
it still sucks
My husband informed me that I am not being very positive. Please make a note of this day--he is right. (Just on this one thing though).
Becca is still in pain. She is angry. She wants to hit me all the time. She hit Bridget last night. She did eat a little for dinner last night. She had a couple good hours yesterday afternoon. Things seems to go bad over the night hours. At 5am she told me her stomach felt yucky and then ran to the toilet. There was not much in her to come up. She started running a fever again, but she did fall back to sleep. At 8am she woke up, had a couple sips to drink then again ran to the toilet. It was worse this time. Thankfully there was not any blood.
So now, she is asleep. She still has a fever. She has not had any pain medicine for 9 1/2 hours. I called and waited an hour for the nurse to call me back. Told her our tale of woe and she said she would call me back again after speaking to the doctor. Great, that helps. I dread her waking up. She is going to hurt so much.
It takes quite a bit to bring me to tears, but this is doing it. We did this so she could sleep better. She has never dealt with sickness beyond and cold. She has never had pain to deal with. Maybe this was the wrong choice. Ugh. I hope the nurse calls with some great plan.
Becca is still in pain. She is angry. She wants to hit me all the time. She hit Bridget last night. She did eat a little for dinner last night. She had a couple good hours yesterday afternoon. Things seems to go bad over the night hours. At 5am she told me her stomach felt yucky and then ran to the toilet. There was not much in her to come up. She started running a fever again, but she did fall back to sleep. At 8am she woke up, had a couple sips to drink then again ran to the toilet. It was worse this time. Thankfully there was not any blood.
So now, she is asleep. She still has a fever. She has not had any pain medicine for 9 1/2 hours. I called and waited an hour for the nurse to call me back. Told her our tale of woe and she said she would call me back again after speaking to the doctor. Great, that helps. I dread her waking up. She is going to hurt so much.
It takes quite a bit to bring me to tears, but this is doing it. We did this so she could sleep better. She has never dealt with sickness beyond and cold. She has never had pain to deal with. Maybe this was the wrong choice. Ugh. I hope the nurse calls with some great plan.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
this sucks
Okay, so Friday was a breeze compared to Saturday. Saturday was a nightmare. Overnight from Friday to Saturday things went downhill fast. By Saturday morning, she was in so much pain and then started to run a fever. I talked to a doctor at KU and they said to give her Motrin in between the tylenol doses. Sounds great and easy enough.
Right. That was until she realized how much it hurt just to swallow anything. She says the tylenol with codeine burns. Tiny little sips of water made her scream in pain, so the medicine is just awful. She would sip and then press her hands onto her ears and scream from the pain. It was just awful, terrible, miserable. Schaun and I had to hold her down to get some Motrin in her because the tylenol was doing nothing for the rising fever. A teaspoon and a half suddenly become a huge amount.
Then in all the discharge papers they give you it says not to use Motrin because it prevents clotting and they don't want any bleeding after surgery. So it all conflicts. She is in pain still. She is running a fever still (but it is much lower now). She will not eat but she is hungry. I can hear her stomach grumbling. I have to beg, plead, and threaten her to drink tiny little sips of water.
This is much worse than I imagined. I wish the damn codeine medicine would at least make her sleepy since it is not doing much for her pain.
I hope Bridget never needs this done. I don't think it would happen for her.
Right. That was until she realized how much it hurt just to swallow anything. She says the tylenol with codeine burns. Tiny little sips of water made her scream in pain, so the medicine is just awful. She would sip and then press her hands onto her ears and scream from the pain. It was just awful, terrible, miserable. Schaun and I had to hold her down to get some Motrin in her because the tylenol was doing nothing for the rising fever. A teaspoon and a half suddenly become a huge amount.
Then in all the discharge papers they give you it says not to use Motrin because it prevents clotting and they don't want any bleeding after surgery. So it all conflicts. She is in pain still. She is running a fever still (but it is much lower now). She will not eat but she is hungry. I can hear her stomach grumbling. I have to beg, plead, and threaten her to drink tiny little sips of water.
This is much worse than I imagined. I wish the damn codeine medicine would at least make her sleepy since it is not doing much for her pain.
I hope Bridget never needs this done. I don't think it would happen for her.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Poor Becca
We were suppose to be at the Surgery Center at 8am this morning and the procedure was scheduled for 8:45. I got up early, got us all ready, and left in plenty of time. That was until I got a few miles down the highway and we realized we did not have Heart Blankie. Exit, turn around, retrieve blanket, start over 10 minutes later. We arrived 8 minutes late--not too bad.
From the start she was uncooperative. She would not let anybody look in her mouth. She would not take deep breathes for the doctors to listen to her lungs, she would not talk. Stubborn. Then when it was time, the doctor gave her a piggy back ride to the room. It took about 40 minutes before the doctor came out and told me it all went fine. She was again amazed at how large the tonsils and especially the adenoids were.
Then they take me back to recovery. I had no problem finding the right bed. Becca was screaming "I WANT TO GO HOME" over and over and over and over and loud as possible. She was throwing herself around in the bed and swinging at people. Sweet huh?
They started in on this whole bit about how it is scary for kids and blah, blah, blah. I said this is behavior I have seen from her before and it will continue for some time. The decision was quickly made to give her a sedative. Then things went much better.
They warned me that it is common for kids to vomit in the car ride home. Actually, her doctor kept saying "puke" and I thought it was funny to hear from the doctor. Thankfully that didn't happen. She slept all the way! Unfortunately, they would not give me have any sedative or let me bring any home.
Now we are home and she is all camped out on the sofa. She was hungry and ate a popsicle, yogurt, pudding, and is now waiting for me to get her some ice cream. We had a battle over taking the pain medicine--I am dreading that every 4 hours! They said today would be her best eating day and I just need to make sure she is drinking the rest of the week.
Bridget is with her Papa today. She has been so clingy to me the last couple months, this is good for her. They went and got the medicine from the pharmacy for me and dropped it off here. It was up to her if she stayed home or went back, she didn't even want to come in. So it is just Becca and me hanging out for a while.
From the start she was uncooperative. She would not let anybody look in her mouth. She would not take deep breathes for the doctors to listen to her lungs, she would not talk. Stubborn. Then when it was time, the doctor gave her a piggy back ride to the room. It took about 40 minutes before the doctor came out and told me it all went fine. She was again amazed at how large the tonsils and especially the adenoids were.
Then they take me back to recovery. I had no problem finding the right bed. Becca was screaming "I WANT TO GO HOME" over and over and over and over and loud as possible. She was throwing herself around in the bed and swinging at people. Sweet huh?
They started in on this whole bit about how it is scary for kids and blah, blah, blah. I said this is behavior I have seen from her before and it will continue for some time. The decision was quickly made to give her a sedative. Then things went much better.
They warned me that it is common for kids to vomit in the car ride home. Actually, her doctor kept saying "puke" and I thought it was funny to hear from the doctor. Thankfully that didn't happen. She slept all the way! Unfortunately, they would not give me have any sedative or let me bring any home.
Now we are home and she is all camped out on the sofa. She was hungry and ate a popsicle, yogurt, pudding, and is now waiting for me to get her some ice cream. We had a battle over taking the pain medicine--I am dreading that every 4 hours! They said today would be her best eating day and I just need to make sure she is drinking the rest of the week.
Bridget is with her Papa today. She has been so clingy to me the last couple months, this is good for her. They went and got the medicine from the pharmacy for me and dropped it off here. It was up to her if she stayed home or went back, she didn't even want to come in. So it is just Becca and me hanging out for a while.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Just some things
Today I got to chase a school bus down the road.
This was Bridget's last day of school before Spring Break. For fun, they had a movie party in her class. (They got a certain number of points for behavior and this was the prize). She got to take her pj's, a pillow, and a special snack. I sent a small pillow with her for a couple reasons. One, I didn't want her to share it with a friend. (There has been a lice issue in the school this year). Two, she has to take it back and forth on the bus, and a large pillow is just too much.
I guess a small pillow is too.
She came home and seemed really tired and looked pale. I had her chill out on the sofa. There has been a serious Strep problem in her classroom. 11 of the 20 kids have had it in the last 2 weeks--one day last week, 4 kids were sent home! So far, somehow, it has skipped her. I figured that since the last thing I want is for Becca to be in direct contact with Strep, now would be when Bridget gets it. But it seems she was just tired and I was over-reacting. She was chilling for about 10 minutes when she burst out in tears. In her tears and panic she tells me she left her pillow on the bus.
Well, she is one of the first dropped off the bus and I sort of know the route. We jumped in the van and raced around the corner to see if we had missed Mr. Wayne on his last street. I couldn't believe it when he came around the corner! So as he is driving down the street, out of the neighborhood, I am flashing my lights, honking, and waving at him. He saw us and stopped. He knew what we were after and had it ready for me at the door. Pillow saved from Spring Break on a bus.
We found out today that Becca's surgery is set for early Friday morning. My wonderful neighbor is going to be gone over the weekend, but she gave Becca an early get-well bag of goodies today. So thoughtful! She packed up a bunch of her dvd's for us to watch, gave her a huge bag of Jello and pudding, new coloring books and big coloring pages, crayons, stickers, a sticker book, a puzzle, maybe more. See, I told you she was wonderful. Thanks Lynne!
Lastly, I am happy to have American Idol back on. I totally love the new rule this year too. I not surprised about the results tonight. I would have kept Jasmine over Megan, but that's okay. People ask me if I actually call in and vote--yes I do. Last night I made many calls for Danny!
This was Bridget's last day of school before Spring Break. For fun, they had a movie party in her class. (They got a certain number of points for behavior and this was the prize). She got to take her pj's, a pillow, and a special snack. I sent a small pillow with her for a couple reasons. One, I didn't want her to share it with a friend. (There has been a lice issue in the school this year). Two, she has to take it back and forth on the bus, and a large pillow is just too much.
I guess a small pillow is too.
She came home and seemed really tired and looked pale. I had her chill out on the sofa. There has been a serious Strep problem in her classroom. 11 of the 20 kids have had it in the last 2 weeks--one day last week, 4 kids were sent home! So far, somehow, it has skipped her. I figured that since the last thing I want is for Becca to be in direct contact with Strep, now would be when Bridget gets it. But it seems she was just tired and I was over-reacting. She was chilling for about 10 minutes when she burst out in tears. In her tears and panic she tells me she left her pillow on the bus.
Well, she is one of the first dropped off the bus and I sort of know the route. We jumped in the van and raced around the corner to see if we had missed Mr. Wayne on his last street. I couldn't believe it when he came around the corner! So as he is driving down the street, out of the neighborhood, I am flashing my lights, honking, and waving at him. He saw us and stopped. He knew what we were after and had it ready for me at the door. Pillow saved from Spring Break on a bus.
We found out today that Becca's surgery is set for early Friday morning. My wonderful neighbor is going to be gone over the weekend, but she gave Becca an early get-well bag of goodies today. So thoughtful! She packed up a bunch of her dvd's for us to watch, gave her a huge bag of Jello and pudding, new coloring books and big coloring pages, crayons, stickers, a sticker book, a puzzle, maybe more. See, I told you she was wonderful. Thanks Lynne!
Lastly, I am happy to have American Idol back on. I totally love the new rule this year too. I not surprised about the results tonight. I would have kept Jasmine over Megan, but that's okay. People ask me if I actually call in and vote--yes I do. Last night I made many calls for Danny!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
That is how I'm feeling about life in general. Things just feel a little off so far this year. I guess it's just not me. I only see or hear a few minutes of news a week. Enough to know that things are crappy all around, but I didn't think enough to "get" me.
A lot of my feeling is Becca's tonsillectomy on Friday. For my kid that has never even had antibiotics, this is a major deal. Taking a part of her out. Yikes! It scares the crap out of me. What if she starts getting sick all the time after this? I will be so mad at myself. Why would she start getting sick though? She will just be able to sleep without interruption. That is the goal. We are doing this on Friday the13th. That seems like a bad deal. That is silly superstition, right? We do this on Friday and she will have 9 full days to recover over Spring Break. It should all be fine. I'm still a little freaked out about it.
As I worry about my things, Bridget has already started to worry and be sad about the end of her first grade year. She does not want to leave her class. She does not want a new teacher. There are only 2 months of school left after Spring Break. These are her words, her worries. Of course, those are in addition to everyday worries she has-- vampires getting in the house as bats thru the fireplace and scorpions hiding under the sofa. Poor Bridget.
A lot of my feeling is Becca's tonsillectomy on Friday. For my kid that has never even had antibiotics, this is a major deal. Taking a part of her out. Yikes! It scares the crap out of me. What if she starts getting sick all the time after this? I will be so mad at myself. Why would she start getting sick though? She will just be able to sleep without interruption. That is the goal. We are doing this on Friday the13th. That seems like a bad deal. That is silly superstition, right? We do this on Friday and she will have 9 full days to recover over Spring Break. It should all be fine. I'm still a little freaked out about it.
As I worry about my things, Bridget has already started to worry and be sad about the end of her first grade year. She does not want to leave her class. She does not want a new teacher. There are only 2 months of school left after Spring Break. These are her words, her worries. Of course, those are in addition to everyday worries she has-- vampires getting in the house as bats thru the fireplace and scorpions hiding under the sofa. Poor Bridget.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Finally some nice weather!
We finally had some nice days this week! It is so much easier to get where you need to go when you are not loaded down in layers of clothes and coats.
Since I have not blogged much, I should share some of the activities we are doing around here. A couple Mondays a month, Bridget goes to Daisy Girls Scouts. I am the leader of her Troop and that has been fun this year. In a couple weeks we have our first field trip.
Every week, both girls, go to cheerleading and dance. In dance, they are working hard to learn the dances they will perform at the recital in June. They both have cute costumes this year. I did not like Bridget's construction cone orange costume last year. This year she will be in a ballet wearing pink and Becca is doing a tap performance in red. Cute!
At Christmas we were able to finally get a piano. I have wanted one for so long. Bridget loves it and desperately wanted to take lessons. Through one of her classmates, we found a reasonable teacher. This is the 4th activity of the week. Her teacher has a daughter that is in First grade at Bridget's school. Sometimes she stays at her house after the lesson to play for a while. Becca HATES when this happens. Becca does not believe that anything should happen without her. So yesterday, during piano time, Becca and I went to a park and enjoyed the weather.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Rainbow Birthday
When I asked Bridget what sort of party she wanted, it was "rainbow". I had to be a little creative as the party store didn't have the rainbow theme ready for me to purchase.
I did find some rainbow decorations that worked. My proud moment was my rainbow cake. It turned out so pretty. We also had a rainbow of m&m's, fruity pebble and fruit loop crispie treats, rainbow goldfish and twizzlers.
I'm not going to put Saturday's photos on here because I don't know if all the girls parents would approve.
I took pictures of the cake before I baked it because it seemed interesting.
Better blogging
Okay, so I have been a horrible blogger. This is mostly due to the discovery of Facebook. But I'm gonna try harder over here.
First off, Bridget turned seven last Thursday. I can see such change in her. She can understand and reason out things so much more. She is also testing a lot. She says that she seems to know are wrong, but waits for my reaction. She is very kind hearted girl, but is trying out some mean words. It makes me sad and I have made it very clear to her that it is not acceptable here.
Anyways.....last Thursday I was off work so Becca and I went and joined Bridget for lunch and treats with her class at school. We usually go to Rain Forest Cafe for her birthday, but since they closed we didn't know what to do. I thought about going to play mini-golf but then all plans got canceled by Becca. She has this weird fever going on most of last week. So we stayed home and had Chinese delivery. Everyone was happy with that.
Bridget didn't ask for much. The thing she has been asking for is a pogo stick. She wanted one last year, but I said no. Well, I ordered her one and I don't think she is heavy enough to make it bounce. Becca wanted to get something for her too. She chose a bunny Webkinz.
We had 2 parties over the weekend--one for school friends and one for family. I'm going to post those pictures separate.
Below is the wish list she made. It is so sweet. In case you don't read as phonetic as she writes, it says: gift certificate, love, hug, kisses, crayons, pencils, Wii dance, clothes, flowers, blankets.
First off, Bridget turned seven last Thursday. I can see such change in her. She can understand and reason out things so much more. She is also testing a lot. She says that she seems to know are wrong, but waits for my reaction. She is very kind hearted girl, but is trying out some mean words. It makes me sad and I have made it very clear to her that it is not acceptable here.
Anyways.....last Thursday I was off work so Becca and I went and joined Bridget for lunch and treats with her class at school. We usually go to Rain Forest Cafe for her birthday, but since they closed we didn't know what to do. I thought about going to play mini-golf but then all plans got canceled by Becca. She has this weird fever going on most of last week. So we stayed home and had Chinese delivery. Everyone was happy with that.
Bridget didn't ask for much. The thing she has been asking for is a pogo stick. She wanted one last year, but I said no. Well, I ordered her one and I don't think she is heavy enough to make it bounce. Becca wanted to get something for her too. She chose a bunny Webkinz.
We had 2 parties over the weekend--one for school friends and one for family. I'm going to post those pictures separate.
Below is the wish list she made. It is so sweet. In case you don't read as phonetic as she writes, it says: gift certificate, love, hug, kisses, crayons, pencils, Wii dance, clothes, flowers, blankets.

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