Friday, this is when THIS week started. This was moving day. I was frantically packing up until the last minute, while Schaun's priority was getting the cable hooked up in the new house. So he was gone all morning. It was nice (for him) that evening when the cable was all set up, but the living room tv only worked for a few hours that day and then it went out. The cable company informed me that my tv had gone off-line and we would require a service call to fix it. They were so sorry for the inconvenience that they set the service appointment up for Tuesday. Great--no tv babysitter for me.
Saturday, was alright. I was very sore, but enjoying the house--even with all the boxes and chaos.
Sunday, the dryer was plugged in and promptly blew up. I didn't get that upset though, I'm still enjoying my new house so much. Much more important this day, Bridget lost her first tooth without any drama. I did take pictures, but I cannot locate my card reader right now.
Monday, got the girls to school in the nick of time. Had a meeting at the Scrapbook Page and I will be taking a break from teaching this quarter. Got my hair cut and colored--love that. Took the minimal amount of dirty laundry and washed it at my mom's house. Went and bought a new dryer that cannot be delivered until Saturday. Normally this would seem okay, but since the same place was delivering my new fridge on Tuesday, I thought maybe they could come together--nope, not a chance. Finally, get back to the house with a few articles of clean clothes and relax a bit.
Tuesday, big day--cable and fridge get set up. First the cable guy arrives and spends about 10 minutes here and has the cable working. Great! Next, the fridge gets here. It is big and perfect. Oh wait--the water line in the house doesn't fit into the fridge. The dude starts to tell me how to resolve this issue in some plumber language that I guess I should know since I bought a refrigerator right? well I don't. I nod at him like I knew what he said and sent him out the door. Shortly after he left, wishing I had a full functioning new fridge, the cable went out again. Ugh! I need to fix dinner though, no time for that now. It is like the house is rejecting us. It doesn't want the things we are trying to hook into it. I still love the house though. Just a little frustration setting in.
Wed., Becca woke in the middle of the night VERY upset. She fell asleep Tues evening about 5:30. She was zonked, I could not wake her to eat or potty. So the poor thing had an accident in bed. It wasn't terrible. She woke up a little wet, but managed to get to the bathroom to finish. She was still upset thought. And now I have potty sheets and clothes and no damn dryer! Grrrrrr! Oh well, I can wash them at least.
I get the girls to school and immediately head to Home Depot. The nice lady there knows me and knows something is wrong. I tell her about the water line issue and she calls the delivery company to find out what I need (because I could not even start to repeat what the dude already told me). She proceeds to get this guy on the phone who somehow knows what the problem is. She hands me the phone and tells me to get the info from the guy. Ummmm, okay, I'll play. I take the phone, he tells me the same plumber talk the other dude told me that I didn't understand the first time. I'm super frustrated now. I tell him to hold on. I tell her to go get somebody that understands plumber talk over to this phone. The issue was resolved after I had the entire Home Depot staff putting their heads together on this. The delivery people are now set up to return to my house and instill the water line on Friday.
Then I headed to the Time Warner office to return the stupid box. I get there and they switch it out for me. They don't even ask why I want to switch it. Great job there folks. Funny thing here. The girls were with me and their mascot is the Road Runner bird. There are also these commercials with the Road Runner for a car dealer place (I think) and it is The girls see the big painted Road Runner on the wall and get all excited about seeing "Beep Beep dot Com". It was funny to me at least.
This is dance night. So after, I spent some time cleaning the old house and about 40 minutes taking out trash, 2 hours in the waiting area at the dance studio, we got back home about 7:30. Schaun hooked up the cable and it has been good since. Ahhhh, it is good to be watching tv in my new (still chaotic) house.
Thursday, today. I have located my card reader so maybe tomorrow I will get some photos on here. I finished painting the touch-up I needed in Becca's room today and assembled some shelving for the scraproom. Stayed home most of the day. Becca enjoyed being able to watch her shows during the day. It was almost normal. I (hesitantly)asked the girls if they liked our new house and thankfully they said they did. Tomorrow the fridge is suppose to get hooked into the water line and Saturday we get a dyer. I have never looked forward to doing a lot of laundry, but I am right now.