Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to School 2009 edition

I blinked and summer days ended. Now we are all back to school (well, except Schaun). Bridget is a big second grader and Becca is already in Kindergarten. Since Becca is a full day student now, I am a full day worker. The schedule at the Montessori school changed a bit this year, and my day is a lot less stressful, so the extra hours should fly by easily.

It was not a good morning for the first day of school. There was a ton of rain, thunder, and lightening. Bad pictures, no recess, and uncomfortable bus stop waits. Speaking of the bus, we almost missed it. We have a new driver this year and he showed up early! Go figure. I still had time for some photos and held up the bus for that bus shot I needed.

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