Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Camp out

Long ago, before I had all schedules I agreed to a Girl Scout overnight. It was planned in a local park (Ironwoods in Leawood) where they have rental cabins. I am not one for camping, so if you are going to get me out doing anything remotely like real camping, there better be a cabin, preferable with a shower. There were no showers in these, but I was close enough to home to agree to this.

As it turns out we had dress rehearsal and camping in the same night. It all worked out though. We got to the camp, got all settled. The cabins were very nice, very clean. The park attendant comes up and lights a community fire for all four of the cabins (and later they put it out). So we had some hot dogs and burgers. Bridget and I left for rehearsal and when we got back the girls made s'mores. It all worked out. The only thing we missed was some walking around in the park. We were suppose to get some storms that night, but thankfully they went North. That doesn't mean that we got enough sleep though. Bridget couldn't sleep because she didn't have her music to listen to. We were up very late and we got up around 6:30. Yep, we were T-I-R-E-D o n Sunday.

I didn't get many pics because I was having trouble with things like batteries for the camera not charging. I did get a few of Bridget just being silly.

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