Saturday, April 18, 2009

Daddy/Daughter Dance Fun!

This past week was focused on last night's dance. We went out Tuesday and looked for a dress without success. Nothing was just what the diva had in mind. Oh yeah--I said diva. So Thursday we had some time for shopping and we went back out to the mall. We had already looked in most of the stores, so we went to the couple we missed. We found some that looked good enough for her try on at Dillards. We went in the dressing room with three dresses. She tried on the first and she said it was okay. It had good spin, but she wasn't sure. The second dress went on and it was not good at all. The third dress went on and it had good spin factor and she thought "it would look better when she made her entrance". WHAT? Your entrance. I suppressed my laughter and told her I thought the first dress was a little fancier and had a bigger spin. She tried it on again and she decided it was the best. SUCCESS! We go pay, I am closing up my purse and she says "Now I need shoes. And something with a little heel please". Ummm, okay. We did find some. Then she wanted jewely, but I put a stop to this spending spree and told her I had things I would let her wear. Then I heard "What is daddy going to wear?" Oh sheesh, I am not buying him new clothes too, but we did get him a new tie to match her dress.

The dance was so much fun! The DJ was from Mix 93.3 and was fantastic! No one was bored or stopped dancing the whole 2 hours! There was tons of food and drink and everything looked so pretty (pink, silver and black all over). Bridget spent the whole night right in front of the stage. Schaun gave her a pretty corsage that she danced to death and she had to eventually had to remove her shoes. It was really so much fun! Why was I there you ask. I was on the committee for planning this event and we had to decorate and manage the food and drink. I don't think I was super helpful, but I had so much fun.

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