Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Different priorities

So last night Bridget asked when we were going to Disney World. I told her we just bought the new house and going to Disney is expensive, it wasn't going to be this year. Her response:

"Ohhhhhh- you guys wasted all the money!"


Kristin Michelle said...

that is too funny! Bridget cracks me up!

Shawn said...

HAHAHA! That is too funny! Tell her if she is paying you'll go :)

Unknown said...

Just because we are buying a house, that doesn't mean we can't go. If Bridget wants to go, then we go.

KELLY said...

Love that! Good stuff.

Maricar said...

OMW That cracked me up!

Micki said...

Too too funny!
Kids do say the darndest things!

Mcmuffy said...

I love that!! Wasted money!! How cute.