Saturday, August 11, 2007

A visit with Summer Santa

We packed up all our stuff. Checked out of the cabin and decided to take one more drive down the strip. Initially we were going to make another trip to Silver Dollar City but we were just too tired of the heat and changed our minds quickly after we packed everything in the car. I was afraid our stuff might actually melt if we left it there too long.

So we drive down the strip a little ways and I see this store with a chimney and a Santa statue "climbing" into it. I tell the girls to look at Santa and Schaun went ahead and pulled into the store parking lot. It turned out to be a whole little shopping center. It was all Christmas stores. We went in and looked in the nice freezing cold beautiful stores. The clerk told me to stay a few minutes because Santa was coming. I told the girls and they were so excited!

Santa was awesome! He was in his summer clothes and explained to the girls how he saves his other clothes for Christmas Eve. Then he sat and talked with them and told them how big they were and how many days until he would see them again. He told them to not fight, put their toys away, brush their teeth. All the things I'd want Santa to say. He was perfect! Then he pulled out a bag and gave them little bell ornaments!

Bridget was so excited about this. She then told me that the other night when she wished in the fountain, that she wished to see Santa. Wow!

1 comment:

Kristin Michelle said...

so cute! i love the photo of Becca looking at Santa!